Mumbai: Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Wednesday said the state government has requested the CBI to take the custody of DHFL promoters Kapil Wadhawan and Dheeraj Wadhawan, who allegedly violated the lockdown norms and travelled to Mahabaleshwar earlier this month.
After the Wadhawan brothers and 21 others, including their family members, reached Mahabaleshwar hill town, they were quarantined there by the Satara district administration.
In a Facebook address, Deshmukh said he has requested the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take the custody of Wadhawans after their quarantine period ends at 2 pm on Wednesday.
Kapil Wadhawan, the 46-year-old chairman and managing director of Dewan Housing Finance Limited (DHFL), was arrested on January 27 this year by the Enforcement Directorate for his dubious dealings with gangster Iqbal, who died in 2013, and was booked under provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering
Act (PMLA).
He was granted bail on February 21 by a special PMLA court in Mumbai.
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