Pune: At least 10 passengers were injured with four being critical after a bus they were on board overturned near Ranjangaon area along the Pune-Nagar highway in Maharashtra on Friday morning, officials said. They also said that the Ranjangaon bound bus coming from Pune was carrying 45 passengers and overturned after the driver lost control over the vehicle.
Also read: Maha: 2 warkaris killed, 3 injured in road mishap near Pune
Four of the passengers are said to suffered received grievous injuries. Soon after the accident, a major rescue operation was undertaken by the local authorities. Ranjangaon Police also rushed to the spot and shifted the injured to a nearby hospital for treatment.
It is said the driver was overspeeding as there were no vehicles on the road in the the morning . A few days ago, five people died in an accident on the highway.