Mumbai: The cyber cell of Maharashtra Police on Thursday registered a case against the operator of a YouTube channel and others for allegedly displaying "Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)" involving mothers and their minor children. The First Information Report also named the India representative of the "YouTube social media platform".
The National Commission For Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) had issued a notice on January 8 to the superintendent of police, cyber cell, asking for investigation, said an official. The commission informed that a disturbing trend had emerged on YouTube where participants in a "challenge" were filming and uploading videos of acts potentially in the nature of sexual abuse and involving mothers and minor children.
The NCPCR had come across one such channel named `XXXX Vlogs' which aired a disturbing video, the official said. Cyber cell officials started probe and found that the channel was being operated by a resident of Palghar district of Maharashtra, he said.
A case was registered under section 15 (storage of pornographic material involving child) of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 67B (publishing or transmitting of material depicting children in sexually explicit act) of the Information Technology Act, and 509 (sexual harassment by electronic mode) of the Indian Penal Code against the channel, its operator, the woman appearing in the video and India representative of the "YouTube social media platform".
No arrest has been made in the case, the official said. The commission, meanwhile, appreciated the Maharashtra government's swift response to its letter. It expected a similar prompt response from other states too, it said in a release.