Thane: A court in Maharashtra's Bhiwandi town has adjourned the hearing in a defamation case filed against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi to February 4. The matter came up for hearing on Saturday before Judicial Magistrate First Class L C Wadikar. After hearing the counsels of Gandhi and complainant Rajesh Kunte, who is a local activist of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the magistrate put up the case for hearing on February 4.
In 2014, Kunte had filed the case against Gandhi after watching his speech in Thane's Bhiwandi township, where the Congress leader alleged that the RSS was behind the killing of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi's advocate Narayan Iyer told PTI on Monday that the Congress leader's application for exemption from personal appearance on Saturday was allowed by the court.
He also said that the matter of permanent exemption from appearance for the hearings sought by Gandhi will be argued on February 4. In 2018, the court framed charges against Gandhi in the case, but he had pleaded not guilty. (PTI)