Mumbai: When the first wave of corona hit Mumbai, Pune and Nagpur, many people were infected. Now again, the number of patients is increasing. Such cities can be said to have the second wave of corona, said Fortis Hospital's director of critical care and a member of the Maharashtra Covid Task Force, Dr Rahul Pandit. He also said that the number of corona patients in Maharashtra has increased due to population density, diabetes-hypertension patients, heatstroke, and fearlessness of the people and Maharashtra will see a long shadow of corona till 2024.
Speaking regarding it, Dr Rahul Pandit said that the second wave of corona has hit the cities of Maharashtra. The number of patients in cities is increasing rapidly. But the first wave itself is not yet over in rural areas. The rural area is still struggling with the first wave. More than 3,000 mutations of the coronavirus have been found worldwide. In Akola, Amravati region the number of patients suddenly increased. There seems to be a mutant strain behind it. No report has been received so far regarding it. But there are chances about the same.
Overcoming corona through vaccination
There is an urgent need to speed up vaccination. After vaccination, people will develop the ability to resist corona. Antibodies will develop in the body of people suffering from corona. This will lead to herd immunity. Diseases like polio, smallpox were overcome on the strength of herd immunity. Such a win can also be achieved against Corona.
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Corona developed in Maharashtra due to these reasons
Maharashtra and Kerala have high population densities. Social distance is essential to get rid of corona. Patients with diabetes and hypertension are also the highest in our state. They are more likely to be catching the coronavirus. In addition, the onset of summer has made it worse. Corona had grown in the same months last year. Notably, the first wave of corona did not completely pass through Maharashtra. Because of which the results are now visible. Mutations in the virus have been reported in some districts. Due to all these reasons, the second wave of corona is seen in Maharashtra.
Corona can develop even after vaccination
Currently, there is a perception that corona will not happen if vaccinated. But that is not the case. Corona can develop even after vaccination. But the type of corona will be mild. Its symptoms may not be fatal. Even if you get corona after vaccination, the risk of death will be less. In other words, a vaccine can save your life. But it can't guarantee that corona won't happen.
New wave declines the mortality rate
Currently, corona patients are on the rise. Most of the patients suffer from mild corona. It can be said that people have now become immune to corona. People know what to do if Corona happens. Also over the past year, the medical system has had extensive experience treating coronavirus. When the first wave came, how to treat a patient was a big challenge. The death toll then remained high. Many people lost their lives due to the high number of patients in the ICU. This is no longer the case. Not only did we reduce the number of deaths but we also increased the number of patients recovering.
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Long shadow of corona until 2024
Vaccination and masks are the only remedies for corona. Through these two things, we can overcome the corona. But given the current pace of vaccination, it will take time for the Indian population to develop the capacity to overcome corona. Even then, the mask has to be used for about a year. I think the corona is likely to end around 2024. Then we can live life as before. Until then, we have to take care of our health.