Mumbai (Maharashtra): The 'Chandrayaan-3' mission will start on Friday, July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota. However, the mission has a Mumbai connection as the well-known Godrej company, located in suburban Vikhroli, has supplied key components to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for it.
"We have manufactured Liquid propulsion engines such as Vikas, CE20, and satellite thrusters for the lunar mission," informed Maneck Behramkamdin, Business Head, Godrej Aerospace. Chandrayaan-3 will make India the fourth country to land its Spacecraft on the surface of the Moon.
The main focus of the Chandrayaan-3 mission is to achieve a safe and successful landing on the lunar surface. S. Somnath, the Chairman of ISRO, had said that the mission will attempt a 'soft landing' on the Moon around August 23 or 24. This ambitious endeavour represents another significant milestone for India's burgeoning space sector.
Also read: With Chandrayaan-3 launch this week, India to become 4th country to land spacecraft on moon
Godrej has been affiliated with the ISRO for more than 30 years. According to the senior Godrej official, the collaboration started with the development of critical components to meet ISRO's needs and then expanded to liquid propulsion engines.
Maneck Behramkamdin further said that Godrej Aerospace was proud to be associated with the Chandrayaan-3 mission. The company was also part of the Chandrayaan-1 and 2 missions and the Mangalyaan space missions. According to the senior official, the company is developing a new greenfield facility at Khalapur, near Panvel in Maharastra, and is investing Rs 250 crore for the purpose. He said that the new facility will have advanced manufacturing and assembly capabilities. "It will enable the firm to enhance its technological prowess and meet the growing demands of the space sector," the official added.
Last Friday, ISRO invited citizens to witness the launch of Chandrayaan-3 from the Launch View Gallery at SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota, by registering at "Vehicle electrical tests completed. Citizens are invited to witness the launch from the Launch View Gallery at SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota, by registering at," ISRO said in a Tweet.
Also read: Explained: India's ambitious lunar mission-Chandrayaan-3