Nagpur (Maharashtra) : National general Secretary of BJP Scheduled Caste Morcha Bhola Singh on Wednesday said his organisation will contact and communicate with voters on booths which have more than 100 SC electors and strengthen the party on such seats.
Singh, talking to reporters at the Press Club in Nagpur, said the morcha started a 'jan sampark abhiyaan' (mass contact programme) on September 17, the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and it will conclude on November 26 (Constitution Day). Under the programme, the BJP wing is reaching out to about 75,000 SC-dominated localities and 7,500 hostels to know the problems of SC community members and also inform them about welfare schemes of the Centre, he said.
To a query, Singh, who is also an MP, said SC morcha office-bearers and workers will contact and communicate with voters on booths which have more than 100 Dalit electors and strengthen the party ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The SC morcha will pursue this task in every state and in Assembly and Lok Sabha seats, he said. To a query on incidents of atrocities on Dalit community members, Singh said he does not think such instances are taking place only after the BJP came to power. PTI