Mumbai: In a tragic accident, three members of a family died after their car got hit by a container truck that lost control on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway in Maharashtra. According to reports, the deceased - Joaquim Chettiar (36), his wife Luiza (35) and their son Jazial (4) were returning home to Naigaon near Vasai from Pune after an event when the accident took place. The whole incident was captured by a vehicle-mounted CCTV camera.
The Hyundai i10 car caught fire immediately after the accident and a patrol team of the Highway Police reached the spot and rescued the driver of the container. The police said that the truck driver was booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Motor Vehicles Act.
Also Read: 5 killed, 3 injured in road mishap on Agra-Lucknow Expressway