Thane: In an unsettling incident, a 15-year-old boy was arrested in Maharashtra's Thane district on Thursday for the rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl. The incident took place at a housing complex near the Kalyan rail station, police said. The girl's body was discovered earlier in the day by locals, following which the search to locate and nab the accused was underway. they further added, noting that the boy was identified from the CCTV footage in the area.
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He was arrested within an hour and taken to the Mahatma Phule Chowk police station where a case has been registered against him under sections of the POCSO Act as well as other sections of the IPC, said DCP Sachin Gujral. A Senior Police Inspector is probing into the incident, he said. During the interrogation, the accused told the girl's father had beaten him a few days ago, adding that for the same he killed her by slitting her throat.