New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Thursday refused to entertain a plea filed by Principal District Judge of Madhya Pradesh, Shambhoo Singh Raghuvanshi, who had sought quashing of show cause notice against him by MP High Court registrar for an alleged sexual harassment case.
The bench led by Justice Indira Bannerjee refused to consider the plea saying that it can not be filed under Article 32 and asked the petitioner to approach the High Court.
Raghuvanshi contended that the report submitted by Gender Sensitisation and Internal Complain Committee(GSICC) on the alleged sexual harassment at workplace by him is arbitrary and illegal and all the actions are being taken at a time when he is being considered for elevation.
The action was kept pending for more than 2 years to harm the career prospects of the judge, added the petition.
"It is pertinent to mention that petitioner has an unblemished career spanning over 32 years with a sterling record of service. The petitioner is due to superannuate at the end of the year, 2020 and he is at the fag end of his service.
Further, the entire action is vested with arbitrariness, malafide and in complete violation of the principles of natural justice by holding an enquiry and or recording statements behind the back of the petitioner at different stages without the participation of the petitioner," read the petition.