Shahdol (Madhya Pradesh): Targeting the ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) during his rally in Madhya Pradesh's Shahdol, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi quoted veteran BJP leader LK Advani from his book where he claimed that the original laboratory of BJP-RSS was not in Gujarat, but in Madhya Pradesh. He said, "In this BJP's laboratory, the dead are being treated and their money is being stolen." He said that in no other state in India is a dead man treated but only in Madhya Pradesh. He also said that it is only in Madhya Pradesh that money is stolen from Lord Shiv.
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Expressing concern about the future of the youth in the state, the Congress leader referred to the Vyapam scam. He said that the future of one crore youth in the state is being ruined in Vyapam. MBBS seats are sold and about Rs 15 lakhs have to be given to become a 'Patwari'. He said that in the BJP's laboratory, their leaders urinate on the tribals. Several women are raped here daily.
He alleged that farmers were shot in BJP's lab in Mandsaur. He said 18,000 farmers have died in Madhya Pradesh in the last 18 years. Every day at least three farmers die by suicide in this Laboratory of BJP. GST is imposed even on pesticides. Women are raped here every day. A girl is raped in Bhopal and when her brother tries to save her, he is murdered in front of the police. "This is the work being done by the BJP-RSS laboratory. They are only working to privatise everything.