Narmadapuram: One person died while two others sustained serious injuries in Madhya Pradesh's Narmadapuram district on Wednesday after they were allegedly caught smuggling cattle and were beaten up by local residents. The incident took place in Barakhad village of Seoni Malwa tehsil late on Tuesday night after locals got hold of the vehicle as cattle were being loaded for transport.
Speaking about the issue, Superintendent of Police Gurkaran Singh said, "An incident occurred at around 12:30 in the night, in which a truck illegally smuggling cattle were caught. The people concerned hailed from Maharashtra's Amravati. They were beaten up by 10 to 12 people.
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One died after getting beaten up, while two more were injured. A murder case, as well as one for illegal cattle smuggling, has been registered in this regard." A crowd gathered in the spot after the incident, with the forensic team, too, arriving and collecting samples from the spot.