Bhopal: In the ill-fated IAF Mi 17 V5 helicopter crash in Tamil Nadu's Coonoor, India lost its first CDS (Chief of Defense Staff) Gen Bipin Rawat, his wife Madhulika Rawat and 11 others on aboard. There is an atmosphere of sadness in Shahdol as Bipin Rawat is the son-in-law of Shahdol. The country's Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will issue a statement in Parliament on Thursday regarding the mishap.
His wife Madhulika Rawat is originally from Sohagpur, Shahdol. She is the middle daughter of Late Kunar Mrigendra Singh. Family members say that they talked with Madhulika on Tuesday at Sohagpur House. She had told that she would be out till the December 8.
The whole family including her brother Kunar Yashvardhan Singh is shocked after hearing the news of the helicopter crash. CDS Bipin Rawat has two daughters, the elder daughter Kritika Rawat has been married in Mumbai while the younger daughter Tarini Rawat is still studying.
When ETV correspondent reached Yashvardhan's house, there was complete silence. The house was locked outside and there was no one in the house. When Madhulika's brother Yashvardhan Singh spoke on the phone to ETV Bharat, he told that he had gone to Bhopal for personal work, he is leaving from Bhopal for Delhi as soon as he got information about the chopper crash. Yashvardhan told that he is very sad after the incident and is not in a position to speak on this matter.
Although he told that he talked to his niece but could not get much information. Yashvardhan Singh told that Madhulika Rawat visited Shahdol in 2012. Madhulika Rawat has two brothers and both live in Shahdol.
Madhulika Rawat was the President of Defence Wives Welfare Association (DWWA). She worked for the welfare of wives, children and dependents of army personnel. She also used to help Veer Naris (widows of soldiers) and disabled children. Madhulika Rawat studied psychology from Delhi University.
Also Read: CDS Bipin Rawat succumbs in Tamil Nadu helicopter crash: IAF