Gwalior: Four people on Friday were arrested for the alleged forced marriage of an 11-year-old girl to a 21-year-old man in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior. The four accused included the groom, the girl's parents, and a middleman. A case was subsequently registered against the group under provisions of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 as well as POCSO and other relevant sections.
The girl, a resident of Chinnor area of Gwalior, is learned to be unaccepting of the marriage, yet was forced to participate by his mother and step-father. The police were informed about the ceremony by the girl's brother, who was against the marriage. "SHO Chinnor had received inputs that the girl, a resident of Raipur village, was forced to get married to a 21-year-old man by her mother and stepfather. She was opposed to this marriage, in addition to the fact that it was illegal due to her age.
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The Chinnor police have subsequently arrested the girl's parents, the groom, and the middleman. A case has been registered under provisions of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act," Gwalior SP Amit Sanghi said. The bride-groom duo, the parents and the middleman all were located by the police at a farm in Girgaon area of the city, where the arrests were carried out.