Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): With just a few hours to go until the counting of votes cast during the seven-phased Lok Sabha poll begins, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, who is contesting from Madhya Pradesh's Bhopal Parliamentary Constituency, took stock of an EVM strong room in Bhopal Old Jail on Tuesday night and expressed satisfaction over the security measures in place.
Speaking to ETV Bharat on behalf of Singh, Congress District President, Kailash Mishra, said, "After examining all security aspects in the EVM strongroom, Digvijay Singh has expressed satisfaction and is scheduled to visit the strongroom again on Wednesday."
The former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister's visit came a few days after his opponent Pragya Singh Thakur visited the Old Jail strong room and raised concerns over the security provisions in place to guard the EVMs.
Reacting to Thakur's allegations, Mishra said, "No such lapse in security was visible, but if there is any, we would definitely approach the Election Commission over the issue."
Accompanied by his wife, Amrita Singh, the Congress veteran visited the strongroom, inspected the CCTV camera's put in place in the Old Jail, apart from taking stock of the security measures within the vicinity of the strongroom.
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Singh's visit has also come in the backdrop of several opposition parties raising concern over EVM manipulation by the current political dispensation.