Thiruvananthapuram: The Thiruvonam Bumper results BR-93 will be announced on Wednesday, Sept 20. It is one of the most eagerly anticipated bumper lotteries held by the Kerala government. The first prize of the lottery is Rs 25 crore. The second prize is Rs 1 crore which will be awarded to 20 people each. For the third prize, Rs 50 lakhs each will be awarded to 20 people.
Likewise, the 3rd Prize will be Rs 50 lakh, 4th Prize Rs 5 lakh, 5th Prize Rs 2 lakh, 6th Prize Rs 5000, 7th Prize Rs 2000, 8th Prize Rs 1,000 and 9th Prize is Rs 500. Besides, there will be a consolation prize of Rs 5 lakh. The results will be announced by the Directorate of Kerala State Lotteries at 2 p.m. today. The Kerala Onam Bumper 2023 lottery ticket price is Rs 500.
Also read: Explainer: Who can buy and pocket prize money from Kerala Lottery?
According to an official, as many as 90 lakh tickets were printed this year.
How long is the Kerala lottery prize valid: The winner can claim the lottery winning amount within 30 days from the date of the draw. If the prize money is less than Rs 5,000, the winners can claim the money from any lottery shop in Kerala. If the amount won is above Rs 5,000, the winners will have to surrender their tickets before a bank or government lottery office with ID proofs.
How to check results: The winners can check live updates and winners on the official website of the Kerala State Lottery Department.