Thiruvananthapuram: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested four more accused persons in connection with the Kerala Gold Smuggling case. The NIA arrested Jifsal C. V. and Muhammed Abdu Shameem of Kozhikode district, Aboobacker P. and Abdul Hameed P. M. of Malappuram district for conspiring with other arrested accused persons and for financing smuggling of gold through import cargo addressed to the UAE Consulate at Thiruvananthapuram, besides receiving such smuggled gold and proceeds from the smuggling.
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Further, the agency conducted searches today at the houses of the arrested persons in Malappuram and Kozhikode districts as well as at Malabar Jewellery owned by Aboobacker, Ameen Gold in Malappuram owned by Abdul Hameed and at Ambi Jewellery, Kozhikode owned by Shamsudheen. During searches, several digital devices and incriminating documents have been seized.
So far, NIA has arraigned 25 accused in the case out of whom 20 have been arrested. Further investigation in the case is underway.