Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has decided to vaccinate all pregnant women against Covid-19 in the state. Health Minister Veena George on Monday informed that a special vaccination drive under the name 'Mathrukavacham' will be launched soon to inoculate all the pregnant women of the state. Addressing a presser, she said that Asha workers at the ward level will be responsible for the registration of all the pregnant women in their respective wards for Covid vaccination.
"Those who can register on their own will be encouraged to do so. Those who do not have access to smartphones and computers will get the help of Asha workers in their wards for registration. Health workers shall ensure that all the pregnant women in a sub-centre get registered and get vaccinated. Separate vaccination camps would be held for them to avoid contact with the public," the minister said.
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"Facilities will be made at vaccination centres to avoid the interaction between pregnant women with others. Covid-19 can seriously affect the health of women who are above 35 years of age, who are overweight, or who have co-morbidity like diabetes and blood pressure. It can also affect the health of the fetus. So, it is, therefore, very important for pregnant women to get vaccinated," she added.
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Highlighting the importance of getting vaccinated against Covid, Kerala Health Minister said pregnant women can be administered with any of the approved Covid-19 vaccines in the country. It will be even better if the women can get both doses of the vaccine while they are pregnant. It will act as a protective shield to both the pregnant woman and the fetus.
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