Kozhikode: Two students drowned after their fiber boat overturned in Kerala's Vadakara Cherandathur on Saturday. The deceased students have been identified as Adhideva (17) and Adhi Krishnan (17), natives of Cherandathur Edathumkara. Abhimanyu, 17, who was accaompanying them somehow survived.
The accident happened at Mahi Canal when they went for fishing. Soon after the mishap, a rescue operation was launched. The accident took place this evening.
The accident occurred when the fiber boat overturned. When the boat overturned, Adhidev and Adhi Krishna got stuck in the moss and drowned. Abhimanyu, who swam to the shore, informed the locals about the drowning.
Adhideva and Adhi Krishna were immediately rushed to hospitals in Vadakara and Tiruvallur, but their lives could not be saved. The dead bodies of Adhi Dev and Adhi Krishna were shifted to Vadakara district hospital mortuary. After post-mortem, bodies will be handed over to their family members.