Ernakulam (Kerala) : The three people, accused in the sensational Kerala human sacrifice case, have been sent on 14 days long judicial custody by court on Wednesday. They have been identified as Bhagaval Singh and his wife Laila and Muhammad Shafi. They sacrificed two women to settle the financial issues of the couple and bring prosperity in their life. Kerala Police had arrested all three accused on Tuesday and produced before Ernakulam District Sessions Court on Wednesday. Later court sent them on judicial custody till October 26.
The shocking incident of the human sacrifice of two women in Kerala's Pathanamthitta came out with more gruesome details of torture and murder by the accused in the name of black magic. Police, though not ready to divulge the full details of the inhuman act, have shared enough that could send a shiver down anyone's spine.
Also Read--Kochi human sacrifice: Victims were mutilated, their blood collected before murder
Both victims were subjected to extreme cruelty before being beheaded. The accused had inserted a sharp object into the private parts of the victims, collected blood, and sprayed it around the house of the couple in Thiruvalla- surprisingly enough all for gaining financial prosperity. Police said Shafi, who is a native of Perumbavoor in Ernakulam, has been staying at Kaloor in the city doing menial jobs and small-time trickery. He was also running a small restaurant near MG Road but and created fake profiles on Facebook.
According to the confession statement of the accused, Shafi created a fake Facebook profile in the name of 'Sreedevi' and befriended Bagaval Singh, a resident of Tiruvalla in the Pathanamthitta district, who was very active on social media and was known as a masseur. Bagaval Singh became very friendly with 'Sreedevi'. Shafi under the guise of Sreedevi told Bagaval Singh that there is a great saint by the name of Rasheed in Perumbavoor and he could help Bagaval Singh get richer.