Mandya: In a tragic incident, a woman committed suicide by hanging herself at home after poisoning her three children to death in Mandya Karnataka, officials said on Friday. The incident took place in Hola Street of Maddur town. An official said that Usna Kausar (30), a resident of Hole Street, wife of car mechanic Akhil, committed suicide by hanging herself at home.
Also read: Three of family commit suicide by consuming poison in Jhansi
Before committing suicide, she poisoned her 7-year-old son Harris, daughter Allisa (4) and Anam Patima (2), the official said. The actual cause of the incident was not immediately known. However it is learnt that Usna Kausar was working in a private nursing home in the town and was embroiled in a dispute with husband for the past one year.
An official said that distraught by the dispute, Usna hanged herself last night after poisoning her three children's dinner. The town police visited the place and inspected it, registered a case and started investigation.