Bengaluru: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and its youth wing Bajrang Dal on Sunday said that have decided to chant Hanuman Chalisa' on May 9 throughout the country, which happens to be a day before the Karnataka Assembly elections. The call comes as a counter to the Congress party which in its manifesto released last week said it was committed to taking firm and decisive action against individuals and organisations spreading hatred amongst communities on grounds of caste and religion.
The party said: We believe that law and Constitution is (are) sacrosanct and cannot be violated by individuals and organisations like Bajrang Dal, PFI or others promoting enmity or hatred, whether among majority or minority communities. We will take decisive action as per law including imposing a ban on such organisations".
According to VHP secretary general Milind Parande, the programme has been decided to invoke "Bajrang Bali (Hanuman) to give Sadbuddhi' (good sense) to the Congress and other organisations and activists who stand to advocate for and promote the terrorists, anti-Bharat elements and anti-Hindu mindsets, so that good sense and pro-nationalist character should prevail with them".
"It is very insulting that in the election manifesto of Karnataka Congress, the party has promised a ban on Bajrang Dal and after that in several states, including Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra, the Congress and some other anti-Hindu leaders have made demands to ban the Bajrang Dal," Parande said in a statement.
He said it was "irrational, ridiculous and outlandish" to compare "this nationalist and patriotic organisation" (Bajrang Dal) with the anti-national, terrorist, violent organisation PFI (Popular Front of India which has been banned). "The Hindu society will surely teach a democratic lesson to the unreasonable perpetrators for such humiliation," he added. (PTI)