Mysore: A former intelligence official was killed in the Manasa Gangotri area of Mysore on Sunday after being hit by a car. The CCTV footage of the incident displayed R N Kulkarni, walking on the side of a road in the area under Mysore University, when the vehicle rushes into the frame, flinging him away with the direct impact.
Despite being rushed to the hospital, he succumbed to his injuries during treatment.
Initially suspected to be an accident, the matter is currently being probed as a murder, police said. "We got information that an accident had taken place on Friday at 5.30 pm, where an 83-year-old person was killed after being mowed down by the car. After inquiry, we arrived at a conclusion that it was not an accident, but planned murder," said Mysore CP Chandragupta.
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Speaking to the press, he further noted that the car in question did not have a number plate. "We got suspicion after we found that there was no number plate on the vehicle. It entered deliberately and fled from the spot once the deed was done," the CP said, adding that three teams have been constituted to probe the incident.
Kulkarni, formerly employed with the Intelligence Bureau, retired from service 23 years back after a career that spanned 35 years. He had partaken in Indian diplomatic missions and even operated as a pilot, reports observed.