Mysuru (Karnataka) : Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Mysuru as part of his day-long visit to poll-bound Karnataka on Sunday. He will take part in a huge road show besides launching and laying the foundation stones for various development projects worth over Rs. 16,000 Cr. PM Modi will inaugurate Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway and also the reconstructed Hosapete Station.
The six-laning of the 118-kilometre Bengaluru-Nidaghatta-Mysuru section of the National Highway 275 was laid at a cost of Rs. 8,480 Cr. The much-awaited Expressway between Bengaluru and Mysuru will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister on Sunday, said Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari in a tweet today.
The Prime Minister's visit comes amid a battle royale on the cards in the poll-bound southern State. Karnataka is to go to the Assembly elections in two months with the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders making all-out efforts to retain power while the Congress leaders are confident of regaining its lost power.
For both the two national parties - the BJP and the Congress, a victory in Karnataka has become crucial to establish their foothold in south India ahead of the 2024 general elections. The BJP national leadership is making serious efforts to retain the only southern State where they are currently in power. Though the BJP is making a strong bid in Telangana and Kerala, it remains an uphill task for them considering the regional equations.
The BJP leaders and cadres are making elaborate arrangements to make PM Modi's today's visit to Karnataka a big success. Chief Miniter Basavaraj Bommai, former Chief Minister Yediyurappa and other leaders will be present.