Bengaluru: A day after the spectacular performance of Congress in the Karnataka Assembly elections, Congress said that the people of Karnataka were not enthusiastic about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's roadshows. Speaking to the media, Congress General Secretary In-charge Communications Jairam Ramesh said, "The people of Karnataka are tired of the Prime Minister and his campaign. No matter how many roadshows he did, people were not enthusiastic about the events." He slammed the PM over the double-engine government and said that the double-engine government means economic growth and social harmony.
Ramesh said that the BJP should refrain from mixing Bajrang Dal and Bajrang Bali. "Bajrang Dal is different and Bajrang Bali is different. Bajrang Dal believes in spreading the politics of hatred & violence...what Congress said in its manifesto is any organisation that breaks the law, spreads religious hatred, religious bigotry spreads communal violence will be dealt with according to the law & constitution", Jairam said.
Also read: Shivakumar or Siddaramaiah: Who will be Karnataka CM? CLP meet today evening
Earlier on Saturday, Congress in Karnataka won 136 seats pushing the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) out of power in the only southern state it ruled and boosting its prospects for the electoral battles ahead. However, BJP bagged 65 seats. Janata Dal-Secular (JDS) managed to win 19 seats. Independents have won two seats while Kalyana Rajya Pragathi Paksha and Sarvodaya Karnataka Paksha won one seat each.
The Congress maintained a lead from the morning when counting began for the assembly seats in the fiercely contested election with the Congress' emphatic victory in the Karnataka elections on Saturday ousting the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from power in the only southern state ruled by it.