Uttara Kannada (Karnataka): In a shocking incident, a man shot dead his mother and younger sister for not cooking sambar well. The incident took place in Dodmane village of Siddapur taluk in Uttara Kannada district on Wednesday night.
The deceased have been identified as Parvati Narayana Haslar (42) and her daughter Ramya Narayana Haslar (19).
Manjunatha Haslar (24), the accused who is a drug addict fought with his mother and sister at night for not preparing Sambar well. In a fit of anger, the man opened fire them with a country-made gun.
The father of the man was not at home when the incident took place. Later, the father lodged a complaint against the son at Siddapur police station.
READ: Miffed for allegedly not giving 'free sambar', police slaps Rs 5,000 fine on hotel