Koppala(Karnataka): A fruit trader in Gangavati city in Karnataka's Koppal district who was detained on Sunday night by the Shivamogga police in connection with alleged anti-national activities was released after initial probe ruled out his involvement. The person was identified as Shabbir Mandalagiri, a resident of VRL near the Bannigida area behind the Shive Cinema theatre in Gangavati.
Also read: How NIA, Karnataka Police zeroed in on key ISIS operative from Bhatkal?
He was detained by the police, who raided his house at midnight and took him into custody for further questioning. Shabbir was accused of having a phone conversation with an alleged terrorist arrested in Shivamogga earlier. Sources said that during interrogation, the fruit merchant said that he accidentally talked to the suspect on his mobile phone.
Shabbir was let go by police who directed him to appear for interrogation whenever required. Besides Shabbir, police arrested three suspects, Syed Yasin (21), a resident of Siddeshwar Nagar, Shivamogga, Maj Muneer Ahmed (22) from Mangalore, and Shareek, a resident of Tirthahalli Suppugudde, for having links with banned terrorist organisation ISIS.