Bengaluru (Karnataka): Karnataka Development Authority has started a campaign for one year in the name of 'Kaayaka Varshacharane' aimed at creating awareness about Kannada in the city. The initiative includes encouraging the display of Kannada Boards in front of the shops in Bengaluru city.
The Authority has also inaugurated a vehicle called Kannada Ratha (Kannada Chariot). The chariot will roam around the city of Bengaluru. Painted with yellow and red colour and decorated by the Kannada Flag, this Ratha contains the literature and the significance of Kannada. The campaign is intended to educate people about Kannada Language and Kannada culture.
KDA Chairman T S Nagabharana, who launched the campaign in Bengaluru on Friday said, "All the shop-keepers and owners of business establishments must voluntarily start displaying Kannada signboards. We are doing this campaign to create awareness about Kannada. Kannadiga is first in Karnataka and people who speak other languages also exist here, In order to promote Kannada, we have launched this campaign.