Kalaburagi (Karnataka) : A police head constable who went to stop the illegal transport of sand died on the spot after being run over by a tractor. The incident took place under the Nelogi police station limits of Jewargi taluk, Kalaburagi district, Karnataka. The deceased head constable has been identified as Mayur Chauhan (51) attached to the Nelogi police station.
A check post was set up near Hullur to prevent illegal sand transport from the Bhima River. Mayur Chauhan was carrying out his duty at the check post. A tractor ran over him when he was checking the sand vehicle. The incident took place at night. The district officials took a serious view of the incident, which once again exposed the unchecked illegal mining and transportation of sand from the river.
As soon as the information about the incident came to light, SP (superintendent of police) Isha Pant visited the place and conducted an investigation and said that after the probe, it will be known whether it was intentional or accidental. The accused tractor driver has been detained and a case has been filed.
Also Read : Agra policeman run over by sand mafia tractor dies
An assurance of compensation immediately came from the district in-charge minister Priyank Kharge, who also conveyed his condolences to the bereaved family members. "It is a very painful thing that an on-duty police constable died near the Hullur check post after being run over by a tractor which was illegally transporting sand," said Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Minister and Kalaburagi district in-charge minister Priyank Kharge.