Vijayapura (Karnataka): Irate people damaged the electronic voting machine (EVMs) and VVPAT machines at Masabinala village under Bagewadi taluk of the district on Wednesday. A fault had been detected in the EVMs and the officials were taking them away after suspending the voting process. The villagers, who were present at a polling booth also noticed that the reserved machines were also taken away by the officials. When they asked the officials why these machines were being removed. The poll staff did not give a satisfactory reply to the query. This infuriated the villagers and they damaged the EVMs as well as the VVPAT machines.
The protesting villagers also damaged an officer's car. It is also alleged that poll staff were assaulted by the villagers. A police team rushed to the polling booth to bring the situation under control. The situation at Masabinala village was tense and security has been beefed up.
The man sustained an injury in Kolar: A commotion prevailed at a polling booth in Kooteri village under Kolar taluk when a lady constable started evicting people. She was asking people to stay 100 metres away from the polling booth. A person Shrikrishnappa, who is a former gram panchayat member, was unable to pay attention to the lady constable's instructions. So, he was arrested and taken inside a police jeep. While Shrikrishnappa was boarding the police vehicle, he sustained a head injury. This infuriated the people and they blocked the passage of the vehicle. The injured was admitted to Kolar District Hospital for treatment. The incident took place in Kolar rural police station area.
Also read: Live updates | 65.69% turnout till 5 pm; 'Kingmaker' JD(S) to face setback, says Kumaraswamy
Clash in Bengaluru's Padmanabhanagar: A clash took place in front of polling booths near Papayaa Garden number 28, 29 falling under Padmanabhanagar constituency. Congress workers were attacked with sticks. Around 30 youths, who allegedly consumed ganja attacked them. The gang members wielding sticks also attacked women. Meenamma and Channappa, who were assaulted, lodged a complaint with CK Achukattu police station. Police are probing the incident.