Bengaluru (Karnataka) : An inhuman incident took place in Bengaluru city where a daughter killed her 70-year-old mother and brought the body to the police station in a suitcase. The daughter surrendered late at night along with her mother's dead body at the city's Mico Layout police station. Senali Sen (39) is the accused daughter, police sources said. The deceased mother is identified as Beeva Paul.
They originally hail from Kolkata. Senali studied Master of Physiotherapy. She is married and has a son. The Senali family has been living in a private apartment in Mico Layout for about six years. After the death of her father, Sneali Sen has to bear the responsibility of her mother. As such, she had to bring her mother to her husband's house. But it is said that Senali's mother and mother-in-law, who lived in the same house, used to fight every day.
Tired of this, Senali fed sleeping pills for her mother. At around 11 pm, the mother was suffering from stomach pain. Then she strangled her neck and killed her. Later, she stuffed her mother's dead body into a suitcase and kept her father's photo along with it. Later, she booked a cab and came directly to Mico Layout Police Station. "We have registered a case and are continuing the investigation," the police said. The police were shocked for a moment after seeing the action of the accused.
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