Dharwad (Karnataka): Four shops belonging to Muslim traders were vandalized by Hindu activists in Karnataka's Dharwad on Saturday. The incident occurred at the Nuggikeri Anjaneya temple in the city. After the incident, coconuts and watermelons available in the shop were seen strewn on the road. Shortly after the incident, police rushed to the spot.
The build-up, as per information, was going on for close to 15 days, with Sri Ram Sena activists appealing to temple authorities to not allow non-Hindu shops to operate on temple premises. This was followed by the administration promising to hold a discussion and come to a conclusion. A delay in the decision, however, resulted in the attack on fruit sellers by Sri Ram Sene members.
The shops targeted included the shop of Nabisab, who claims to have been doing business in the spot for the last 15 years. At the time of writing this report, no police complaint has been registered against any of those involved in the attack.