Bengaluru: In a heart-wrenching incident, an 11-year-old boy who did not know that his mother had died, spent two days with her dead body in Karnataka capital Bengaluru, officials said on Wednesday. The incident was reported in Ganganagar, Bengaluru. As per officials, the woman identified as Annamma (40), who worked as a labourer, died while she was fast asleep on Feb. 25.
However, the son of the deceased woman, who was sleeping by her side did not know that she has passed away and spent two days with her, a police official said. Police said in one of the nights, the boy went to a neighbour's house and told them that his mother had not cooked. It is said the woman was living with her son alone.
The neighbours of the boy fed him along with their children. After having dinner there, the boy came back to the room where his mother was lying dead and again slept next to his mother's dead body, police said. The unassuming boy was there with his mother's body for at least two days, the police said.
Also read: Son stays with mother's body for 4 days assuming 'she was sleeping'
According to the neighbours, the incident came to light on Feb. 28, after foul smell started emanating from the dead body after the body started decomposing. The boy too informed the neighbours that there was a foul smell at his house. The neighbors checked on his mother only to find that she had died already and the body was in a decomposed state.
They also informed the jurisdictional police station after which a team of police from the RT Nagar station reached the spot and moved the body for a post-mortem examination. The body had been handed back to the relatives for the funeral rites. Police said the reason of the woman's death will be ascertained in the post-mortem report. The incident of the boy staying in with his mother hoping that she would get up had melted the hearts in the locality.