Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Central government on Saturday cancelled the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status of Kannada actor Chetan Kumar over his alleged involvement in anti-national activities. This follows the actor's arrest on March 21 by the Bengaluru police for a tweet in which he said, “Hindutva is built on lies.”
As the government cancelled his OCI status, the actor has now sought a stay from a court for 15 days. Actor Chetan held a press conference at his residence in Bengaluru's Sheshadripuram on the issue of visa cancellation on Saturday.
"I have been in India for 18 years. I did research studies about folklore, theater, and ideas that bring about social change through it. I came to India in 2005. I have been in India full-time since 2015. My father and mother are from India. OCI was given in 2018. Also, I have a PAN card, Aadhaar card everything. I pay taxes to this country. Now the government has given a notice that it has canceled the OCI immediately. It makes no sense. I am from this country,'' Chetan expressed his displeasure that he does not want to go to America.
Also read: Kannada actor Chetan Kumar arrested over tweet allegedly hurting Hindu sentiments
"I have been in America for 23 years and studied there. After that, I came to India to serve. I have worked in many fields including cinema. I am proud to have helped to build 528 houses for tribals through protest. My ideology is not liked by the government. A case was filed for saying that it was a lobby of a community. My gunman was removed a year and a half ago. I was sent to jail for three days for tweeting the truth. OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) has been issued to me. According to this, I have all rights except voting, contesting elections, and working as a government employee. Meanwhile, I am being accused of being involved in a lot of criminal activities," said Chetan.
''I was given a show cause notice on June 8, 2022, that the visa has been cancelled. Then I went to the home ministry and submitted all the documents. Now a notice has been issued regarding the cancellation of the visa, alleging that I am involved in anti-national activities again. I am not involved in anti-national rants. I am being conspired like this on purpose,'' Chetan alleged.
''I have spoken to a lawyer about this. On the contrary, I will bring a stay. I will fight according to the law. I have been given up to 15 days' time. I will bring stay within 15 days,'' Chetan said.