Bengaluru : Bengaluru Police has issued an LoC (Look Out Circular) to trace the accused who has gone missing after killing his Hyderabad-based girlfriend. Arpit Kari, belonging to Delhi, killed his lover Akanksha (23) and then escaped from the city. His whereabouts are not known. The Jeevan Bhima Nagar police have now issued a lookout circular to prevent the accused from leaving the country.
What happened?
Both Akanksha and Arpit were working in a private company in Bangalore. Both were living together in a private apartment in Kodihalli under the Jeevan Bhima Nagar police station limits. Arpit, who had recently received a promotion, had gone to Hyderabad. Meanwhile, there were frequent fights between the two and they argued that they should separate. Arpit, who was angry by this, had planned to kill Akanksha. So on the night of June 5, Arpit came back from Hyderabad allegedly with a motive to kill Akanksha.
He came to Akanksha's flat and fought with her. Then he strangled her to death. Later, he tried to hang the dead body to make it look like a suicide. When it did not happen, he left the dead body and ran away. The accused Arpit had left his mobile phone in his girlfriend's flat as police may search on the basis of the network.
The incident came to light when another roommate of Akanksha came to the flat and a case was registered at the Jeevan Bhima Nagar police station. The police, who registered the case, formed a special team and started the investigation. Even after questioning the accused's family members, acquaintances and relatives, no trace of him has been found. In this background, the police said that they have issued a lookout notice to trace the accused.