Bengaluru:The High Court of Karnataka has acquitted the accused in the sensational Belagavi triple murder accused. The judgement of acquittal by the division bench of Justice K S Mudagal and Justice M G S Kamal came on the appeal filed by Praveen Bhat against the order of the Sessions Court in Belagavi which had found him guilty of the murders and sentenced him to life imprisonment in April 2018.
The HC bench found that the allegations of murders was not proved beyond reasonable doubt. It, therefore, set aside the conviction order of the Sessions Court. Homemaker Reena Malagatti and her two children, Aditya and Sahitya were found murdered at their Kuvempu Nagar home on 16 August, 2015.
Based on the complaint filed by Hemanth Dalal, the brother of Reena Malagatti, Bhat, who was a neighbour, was arrested. He was accused of committing the murders after his alleged illicit relationship with Reena turned sour. Reena was found with her throat slit and the two children strangulated. (PTI)