Bengaluru (Karnataka): The Sampigehalli Police, arrested notorious ATM robber Stefania alias Kate on January 16th. The woman explained truth about the robbery of the ATM with the help of devices along with her team in other countries.
Hailing from Colombia, Stefania arrived from Spain in Bengaluru with a student Visa and got involved in crime. The master mind of her team is monitoring operations from abroad, she confessed. Stefania is only a second or third level fieldworker, working under the guidelines of her team leaders.
Stefania used to steal ATMs by Inserting a Hi-tech Programmed Device to the backside of the ATM Machine. After connecting the programming device to the ATM, She used it to get the OTP which she, in turn, used to steal the money from the ATM. She gets the 20% of the commission from her leader for every robbery, police said.
This high-tech programmed device, the ATM's inbuilt program, was unstoppable. If we enter the sum of 1000 Rs in ATM we will get the entered amount only, But by inserting the Hi-tech programmed device it would add one more zero to the entered amount. For example, If we enter 1000, the device will add one more zero and provide 10000 rupees cash.
Stefani confessed that this was their modus operandi to steal cash from ATMs.