Davanagere (Karnataka) : A rare incident has surfaced in the Davanagere district, Karnataka, where a cow saved its owner from a leopard attack and a dog also supported it. In this animal and human encounter, a farmer came face to face with the leopard but his cow and pet dog rescued him at Ubrani Hobali Kodatikere village of Channagiri taluk.
The cow, which first noticed the leopard attacking its owner, punched the leopard hard with its horns. The owner's dog also jumped on the leopard and chased it away. Farmer Karihalappa (58) of Kodatikere village survived the leopard attack. This incident took place on Monday and surfaced late. It all happened when Karihalappa had gone to the farm to graze the cow in the morning. He left the cow to graze and was busy working on the farm.
At this time, the leopard, which was lying in a bush, was about to attack Karihalappa. The cow noticed this and came out from grazing and punched the leopard hard with its horn. Just then, the leopard was tossed and it fell to the ground twice. The dog also attacked the leopard that fell to the ground, and both the cow and the dog fought back the leopard.
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Farmer Karihalappa said, "Leopard attacks are rampant in Kodatikere village. Over 80 families are living in fear. Leopard has also attacked the dogs in the village. Our dog and cow showed bravery and fought against the leopard. Farmers are even hesitant to go to the farm because of the leopard threat,".
The leopard attacks have increased over the last month and even though they have brought it to the attention of the forest department, there is no use. This leopard has never bothered humans. "But when the leopard came and stood in front of me and attacked me, it was as if my life was gone. But our cow saved my life," the farmer said.