Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Sunday said his government will accept the caste census report this November or December. Speaking to reporters here, he said the report will be tabled before the cabinet where discussions will take place. After the discussions we will take the next course of action, Siddaramaiah said.
"Now, he (Karnataka State Commission for Backward Classes Chairman Jayaprakash Hegde) has said that he will submit the report in November or December, which we will accept," Siddaramaiah said. He charged that during his previous tenure as the Chief Minister, the then chairman the Commission H Kantharaj had conducted the survey, which three previous chief ministers namely H D Kumaraswamy, B S Yediyurappa and Basavaraj Bommai declined to receive it.
Earlier, speaking at an event, Siddaramaiah claimed it was his government, which conducted the caste census for the first time in the country. "We (the Congress government) had got the caste census done to know the socio-economic condition of various castes but successive governments did not receive the report," the Chief Minister said.
He said no one is born talented. It is only after they get an opportunity, they show their talent. "Talent is not restricted to just one caste or religion. It is only after they get the opportunity and education, their inherent qualities come to fore," Siddaramaiah explained.