Bengaluru: Arun Singh, who is in charge of the Karnataka unit of BJP, will visit Bengaluru on June 16 to solve the internal issues in state BJP leadership. According to sources, he is expected to hold discussions with ministers and party MLAs during his visit. In the backdrop of the visit of the BJP National General, political activities have gained momentum in the state with Chief Minister YS Yediyurappa's supporters and rebel MLAs holding separate meetings
Arun Singh will hold a meeting with selected MLAs and leaders on Thursday, following which the BJP's core committee meeting will be held. BJP's Basanaguda Patil Yatnal, Arvind Bellad, Sunil Kumar and GH Thippareddy are likely to press for their demand for change in leadership.
Read:| Arun Singh to visit Karnataka to solve internal conflict between BJP leaders
Singh will hold talks with Yediyurappa supporters including Arun Kumar Poojar, Parana Munavalli, Ashwaththa Nagendra and Periyana Gowda Patil who are likely to counter the issues of rebel MLAs. After his visit, Singh will submit a comprehensive report to the BJP high command giving a solution to internal conflicts between party leaders in the state.
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