Bengaluru: The Hulimavu police traced the origin of an unknown skeleton hanging in a desolate area. The skeleton was found hanging on a tree in the desolate area behind an apartment in Akshaya Nagar in Hulimavu. The identity of the deceased was identified as Pushpa Dami (22) of Nepal, the police said on Friday.
Pushpa Dami and her husband Amar Dami lived in Akshaya Nagar under the Hulimavu station area. Amar was addicted to alcohol and fed up with his habit, Pushpa wanted to return to Nepal. There were frequent arguments between the two in the house over the issue. Pushpa, who was angry with her husband and left home on July 8 and did not return. Amar Dami had lodged a complaint with the Hulimavu police regarding the missing of his wife, police said.
Speaking to the media, South East Division DCP CK Baba said, "On Thursday morning at around 9.30-10 am, a skull and bones of a human were found in a jungle-like place full of bushes behind an apartment in the area of Hulimavu police station. Old slippers, necklace and some other things were found there. As it was a desolate area where there was not much movement of people, no one seemed to have touched those things''.
Also read: Skeleton found in septic tank in West Bengal's Narendrapur
Explaining the matter, the DCP said, "All the items found at the spot were seized by the officials of our forensic science laboratory. After inspecting them, we started an investigation of the missing cases registered in the last one year. On July 8, a missing case of a woman was registered at Hulimavu Police Station. A woman from Nepal went missing six months ago. She got married to a Nepalese labourer two years ago and also has a child."
"The couple used to quarrel over his drinking habit, and the woman left the house and did not return. Then the husband lodged a missing complaint of his wife. At that time Halimavu Police Station Police made all efforts to search but in vain. Based on the information given by him at the time of filing the complaint, a thorough investigation revealed that the skeleton found belonged to Pushpa Dami and that she died by suicide,'' DCP said.