Bengaluru: The Karnataka government on Tuesday ordered a magisterial inquiry into the Attibele firecracker tragedy that killed 16 people earlier this month. Bengaluru Regional Commissioner Amlan Aditya Biswas will conduct the inquiry and submit a report in three months, a government order said.
The magisterial inquiry will include spot inspection and verification of documents, and will look into the circumstances that led to the blaze. It will ascertain whether the incident was accidental or caused by negligence and whether or not there were lapses in issuing the licence to Sri Balaji Traders. It will also find those responsible for any dereliction of duty, if any.
The total loss caused due to the mishap would also be calculated. The fire at a facility belonging to Sri Balaji Traders, which had firecrackers stocked up on October 7, had killed 14 people on the spot. Two others succumbed to injuries later. The order said that Sri Balaji Traders owners V Ramaswamy Reddy and Anil Kumar are under arrest and a third accused is in under treatment in hospital.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah had earlier ordered the suspension of the local tahsildar, police inspector and chief fire officer for their "lapses" that led to the incident, while the district deputy commissioner and police superintendent were given notices.