Chamarajanagar (Karnataka) : A 6-year-old girl, Susheela hailing from Karnataka's Chamarajanagar, succumbed to injuries she sustained in a leopard attack. The girl was a resident of Kaggaligundi village in Hanuru taluk and she was seriously injured in the leopard attack on June 26. She was immediately rushed to the hospital after the big cat attack and died today while receiving treatment.
The leopard pounced on the hapless girl when she was playing in front of her house. The girl screamed loudly during the unsparing attack by the big cat. Sensing trouble, the villagers rushed to the spot, armed with sticks and sharp objects. After seeing the crowd, the leopard ran away leaving the girl at the attack spot.
The seriously injured girl was admitted to the Cheluwamba Hospital in Mysore. The girl's jaw was broken and her face was swollen due to the leopard attack. The girl was being treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) for the past 14 days. An operation was also done on June 11. But none of the doctors could save the girl's life.
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Over two weeks have passed since the leopard attack took place. However, the forest department has not made expected progress in capturing the leopard. As a result, the local people have expressed outrage against what they called the apathy of the administration.