Ranchi: Jharkhand police on Thursday arrested a 50-year-old man from Ratu's Alkamar Colony in Ranchi for cheating a woman by concealing his religion. The accused was married to six women by allegedly pretending to be a policeman and hiding his religion in different places. The accused has been identified as Aslam Khan, a resident of Dhanbad.
City DSP Kuldeep Kumar said, "On December 7 in Harla, Aslam Khan was getting married to a minor, disguising himself as Sanjay Kasera. There was time for the marriage rituals when his identification was revealed at the wedding." Aslam fled from the wedding venue in his car as soon as he came to know that he was exposed. The victim girl had lodged an FIR against Aslam for posing as a police officer, threatening her to have physical relations with her, and getting married by hiding his religion. Police began the investigation and nabbed the accused as well.
"In 2021 he was jailed in Chas in a case and has done six marriages. Cases were registered against the accused in many police stations of Ranchi including Chas, Dhanbad, and Topchanchi," the DSP said. Aslam used to disguise himself as a police officer and extort money from others. Even before the wedding ceremony, he went on rounds of the city wearing the uniform. The DSP said that he used to get married by making money and pretending himself as a policeman.