Ranchi (Jharkhand): The Jharkhand High Court has set a record of settling highest number of cases during the Covid pandemic from March to October. The High court heard and disposed of 14, 544 cases through online mode which includes 12,689 previously pending cases and 1,855 interim petitions.
After the government declared a lock-down, the High Court stopped hearing the cases. Later, on the orders of the Chief Justice of Jharkhand High Court, Dr Ravi Ranjan, a hearing was started in the court through video conferencing from March.
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Initially, as an experiment, the case was listed on priority and hearing started for the case. Gradually, the difficulties of hearing were resolved through video conferencing. Advocates also got used to hearing through new mediums.
From March 2020, more than 34,887 cases were listed for hearing in the Jharkhand High Court, out of which more than 14,544 cases have been disposed of through online hearing. Treasurer of the High Court Advocate Association Dheeraj Kumar said that initially there were various hurdles in video conferencing, but later everything started to fall on the place.