Deoghar (Jharkhand): A 16-year-old girl who went missing from the vicinity of her house on Sunday night was later found on a railway track in Jamunia of Jharkhand's Deoghar district with her legs chopped off. Police rushed to the spot after the locals informed them and took her to Sardar hospital in Deoghar for treatment. The condition of the girl remains critical.
"On Sunday night, I went out to get water. Meanwhile, two bike-borne men came and forced me to sit on the bike after which I fell unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I was on the side of a railway track with both my legs chopped off," the girl told the police. "The statement of the student has been recorded. The matter is being investigated and action will be taken soon," police said.
Also read: Chopped parts of human body found in Ahmedabad's Kotarpur Water Plant