Srinagar (J&K): Three students from north Kashmir's Kupwara district, who was missing since July 19, have been traced in Jaipur, Rajasthan, said their family members on Thursday. "Today morning, we received a call from them, they are in Jaipur," a family member said, adding, "They (students) were picked up by some stranger who drove them to an unknown location. As soon as they came to know about the location, they contacted us and are presently at Sanganer Police Station in Jaipur."
Meanwhile, family members have brought the matter to the notice of local police who have assured them of all possible help in getting the trio back home. Irfan Mushtaq Wani (13), Nasir Fayaz Dar (18), and Bilal Ahmad Dar (17) had gone missing on Tuesday, following which their families lodged a missing report at Police Station Hatmulla in Kupwara. Families had also appealed to Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha for intervention in the case.
Also read: J&K: Army rescues two youth trapped in flash floods in Poonch
Meanwhile, the police have confirmed the development. "All arrangements are being made to bring the boys back. We are in touch with our counterparts in Jaipur," a police official said. Interestingly, this is not the first time that boys from Kashmir go missing from Kashmir and are traced in Rajasthan's capital. On May 18, this year, a 13-year-old Budgam boy was traced in Jaipur.
"Family had claimed that Tanveer Hussain a resident of Daffpora Nasrullahpora, left home after his parents scolded him for not studying on May 13. And when he didn't return, his family filed a missing complaint," the official said. "The boy remained untraceable for around six days and was later traced in Jaipur. Following which he was united with the family," he further noted.