Shimla: The Himachal police on Tuesday arrested a Nepal national for allegedly killing his wife in Himachal Pradesh's Shimla district. The arrest comes two months after the incident. The incident took place in Chaupal in Shimla. The accused has been identified as Gopal. According to police, the deceased woman has been identified as Maya.
According to police, Sunil, a resident of Madhog village, while working in his apple orchard on Monday found a body of a woman. Immediately, he informed the police. On receiving the information, the police reached the spot and shifted the body for post-mortem. The police then started an investigation into the incident and arrested the accused.
According to the police, Gopal was living with his wife and two children in Chaupal's Baihan. The couple used to work in a garden and a few months ago they had an argument while working and the husband beat his wife to death with a stick and then buried the body in the garden. The couple has two daughters aged seven years and five months.
After the murder of his wife, Gopal started living at a relative's house with his two children. Gopal informed his relatives that his wife deserted him. Chaupal DSP Raj Kumar said, "Gopal killed his wife in February this year. Two months after the incident, the matter came to light when Maya's body was found in a decomposed condition in the garden. The accused has been arrested and further investigation is underway. A case has been registered against the accused under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code."