Shimla: Justice Sabina, the senior-most Judge of the Himachal Pradesh High Court, who was appointed as its Acting Chief Justice, will assume charge today after the present CJ Amjad Ahtesham Sayed retires. The Ministry of Law and Justice issued a notification in this regard following the retirement of Himachal Pradesh High Court Chief Justice Justice Amjad Ahtesham Sayed.
"In the exercise of the power conferred by Article 223 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint Justice Sabina to perform the duties of the office of the Chief Justice of that High Court, with effect from January 21 consequent upon the retirement of Justice Amjad Ahtesham Sayed, Chief Justice, Himachal Pradesh High Court," a notification issued in this regard stated.
On an earlier occasion also, Justice Sabina was appointed to perform the duties of the office of Chief Justice from May 25, 2022, to Jun. 22, 2022. She was transferred to the High Court of Himachal Pradesh and took oath on Oct. 8 in 2021.
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She was born on April 20 in 1961. She was unanimously selected Joint Secretary of the Bar Association of the Punjab and Haryana High Court in the year 1986. Thereafter, she joined as Additional District Judge on Jan. 21 in 1997.
Subsequently, she became Sessions Judge in Sept. 2004 and was elevated as an Additional Judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court on Mar. 12 in 2008, and Permanent Judge on Feb. 23 in 2010. She was transferred to Rajasthan High Court and assumed the office of a Judge of the Rajasthan High Court on Apr. 11 in 2016.