Shimla: Going by the Union Ministry of Home Affairs order, the state government in Himachal Pradesh on Sunday said all shops, except those in shopping malls, in rural areas, will reopen.
In urban areas, all standalone shops, neighbourhood shops and shops in residential complexes, except shops in multi-brand and single-brand malls, will also reopen during the curfew relaxation time.
However, the shops in markets or market complexes and shopping malls in urban areas will remain closed.
These shops will be allowed to open only with 50 per cent strength of workers with strict adherence to wearing masks and maintaining proper social distancing norms. These relaxations pertain only to shops selling items, not services.
A spokesperson for the government said that these relaxations will not be applicable in containment zones.
The sale of liquor and other specified items as per national directives for COVID-19 management will remain suspended.
The shops rendering services like restaurants, salons and barbershops will remain closed during the lockdown till May 3, he added.
IANS report
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